友里可尋 Anti-wandering Systems
100% self invented and developedWe aim to build up an anti-wandering network for bare location monitoring for the target, with latest IoT technologies and most cost-efficient solution. BLE to LoRa Gateway, Devices and Apps will be developed by our own. People who sent Elderly to Nursing house, retarded to sheltered workshop can barely know where the people are. Once they leave the nursing house and workshop, the system can track and send message to apps for latest tracked location.
Different from GPS, WIFI and Carrier Networks, our network covers in both indoor and outdoor. With BLE Beacon technology, devices battery can last for more than 1 year. Gateway has no physical LAN line connection. It is truly “Plug and play”.
Solution Benefit:
- Supreme Cost Efficient
- Low power consumption (devices can support for 1-year battery life)
- High data security with proved closed current. Non-registered BLE device cannot be beacon (NBNT)
- Proactive alarm can be set and push to prevent loss target
- People can monitor multi target with single device
- Different forms of devices that target person can wear
- Centralized monitoring Dashboard for ease management for multiple targets
Click for More Details -- http://bringmehome.icfgelder.org.hk/